♥ ♣ miss faten nurul asyikin ♥ ♣ i love myself ♥ ♣ i love my family ♥ ♣ i love you ♥ ♣ i love my buddies ♥ ♣ prada.dolce and gabana.gucci.vinnci.seed.soda.padini.zara.forever 21.babyphat.banana republic.marks and spencer.dorothy perkins.louis vuitton.dolly.guess.elle.geb.mango.dvb.jimmychoos.fendi.next.giordano .♥ ♣

Friday, December 31, 2010

happy new year 2011 !

post ni dibuat pada pukul 11.26 minit malam 31st december 2010. malam ni tak celebrate kat mane mane sebab mid term exam dah dekat, aku kena focus dengan pelajaran, kalau tak macam mane nak dapat dean list kan.?. 2010 dah sampai telur hujung tanduk a.k.a nyawa nyawa ikan. countdown 2011 nak dekat dah. merdeka! eh silap, happy new year !!! ala, dari rumah sewa persandha ni pon dah nampak bunga api kat sekitar sekitar sini. bunga api kat klcc pon nampak. banyak benda nak cakp, banyak benda nak kena buat. tapi, aku nak berazam, kurangkan bercakap, banyakkan buat kerja. tingkatkan mutu, kurangkan kutu.! haha. mane ade kutu, rambut saya bebas dari segala alien. hehe. 11.1.11 dah start midterm exam, ada 2 paper lak tu. aiseyy. tapi nasib baik ada gap 1 ari. 11/13/15. boleh la nak bernafas. then, ada 2 assignment. 1 assgment tu nak kena hantar before 11.1.11 . yang 1 lagi tu kena hantar before 24.1.11. takpe2, still've time to do all d asgnments. esok aku dah 20 tahun. sebut pon dua puluh. dah tak ada belas belas dah. dah tak remaja lagi dah. dah tua dah. dah matang dah. dah nak kena cari calon suami dah ni. tapi tu la,calon boifren pon tak ade lagi. nak kena cari ni. kali ni, dah tak nak memilih dah. dah tak nak hot-hot lagi dah. nak yang cool-cool je. huhu. nak yang caring, loving, soft-spoken ( kalau muka hensem tu, bagi aku tu just bonus je, dah tak interested dah kat muka je ensem) sebab aku sekarang dah matang. nak cari yang ada chemistry, mistery. frankly, 20 tahun means aku dah di alam dewasa. dah tak boleh nak manja2, tak boleh nak gedik2, kena macam mancik2 je kot. hak3. tak ade maknenye. jadi je la diri sendiri kan, buat apa nak hipokrit. sekarang dah pukul 11.42 minit malam, nak tulis apa lagi ek.. hurmmm.... ok lah, cukup setakat ni jelah aku mengarut. samekom. happy new year semua. !

hey you ! this entry is not for you ! don't read it !

yeay ! yabedabeduuuuu.... nak new year dah ! countdown 2011 wehhh..
hurmmm... you know, semua orang mesti kena buat list tau untuk azam baru.. nak tahu azam baru aku? tanya la encik azam, dia lebih mengetahui. haha,. kenapa korang nak tahu sangat? busybody la korang ni kan, sibuk je nak baca blog aku.. haha..
checklist :
1. Australia ! i'm coming soon ! yeay !
2. baca Al-Quran setiap kali selepas solat maghrib.
3. belajar betul-betul. ( nak dapat dean list untuk this 3rd sem, insyaallah)
4. belajar untuk tidak boros ( kurangkan shopping, poket anda selamat)
5. nak cari boifren yang simple,low profile, & memahami( dah takde dah hot2 guy, bajet je hot2 guy ni, bajet ensem macam la bagus sangat, kentut bau busuk gak, bukan bau vanila pon).
hah ! ni la azam baru tahun 2011 aku, yang lain banyak lagi tapi aku takleh nak share. " good fences make a good neighbors". take care you. bye bye.

Friday, December 24, 2010

why ek?

i don't want to talk about love,i don't want to talk about anything but still it is related to that thing.. mengapakah saya tertarik dengan lelaki berkulit gelap?adoii.. saya suka lelaki itu. !

Friday, December 10, 2010

Emoticon hai, name saya kittylala, name awak ape? awak, boleh kenal? hahaha
p/s : mood : gatal

saya tengah berbahagia dengan cuti cuti hujung minggu tanpa assignment. tolong jangan kacau cuti cuti 1 malaysia saya ye wahai apa segala kerja ...hehehe
mood : heaven on earth

Thursday, December 2, 2010

a fresh new take on chance

ermmm.. seems like i feel happy with my life now, single. coz no more tears, no more broken heart, no more annoying man, start new life, and try to ignore any hot guys which almost pop-up in my mind, haha. . no couple, no seafood, no eggs, no sad, no heart break., i just want to live my life, be a typical malay girl who just do what i want to do, not doing the haram things and i will say anything that i do like and i don't like, being a mockingbird, lol. in simple word, i just want to be myself . so, you do like me or you don't, i don't even care. if you love me, thank you, i will love you too. if you hate me, just let me know what the reason is. i like it when you being honest. all i want to do now is to focus on my studies, get an excellent result, no more skipping classes, be a good girl, try to improve my english language skills, being nice to everyone and avoid myself from fallin' in love with any guys. thats all. bye bye.

the differences between the person you like and you love

in front of the person you like , you get happy.

In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring.

But in front of the person you like, winter is just a beautiful winter.

If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you blush.

But if you look into the eyes of the one you like, you smile.

In front of the person you love, you can' t say everything on your mind.

But in front of the person you like, you can.

In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy.

But in front of the person you like, you can show your ownself.

Then person you love comes into your mind every 2 minutes.

You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you love.

But you can always smile into the eyes of the one you like.

When the one you love is crying, you cry with them.

But when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting.

The feeling of love starts from the eye.

And the feeling of like starts from the ear.

So if you stop liking a person you used to like.

All you need to do is cover your ears,

But if you try to close your eyes,

Love turns into a drop of tear and remains in your heart forever after.